Thursday, May 16, 2013

Brand Storytelling Unpacked!

One of my favorite sessions at Iconosphere was called "Brand Storytelling: No Shit - Now What?!"

We've all heard that your brand has to tell a story, but not too much about WHY and HOW and WHERE. What are the best practices? Who's doing it well?

This session laid out a great framework we can use to explore the various ways brands are telling their stories, and the things those stories have in common - so we can start to gather a list of best practices.

Since it was a great visual presentation, I translated my notes into some maps to lay out the landscape, as it were. I'm not claiming any artistry (and hopefully you can read my chicken scratch!) but it helps to see how everything kind of works together:

The bubbles represent the examples of brands who are doing it well - definitely Google those suckers to check them out. They're either engaging across multiple platforms, or just one, and they're either active (requiring consumers to engage and act) or passive (broadcasting to consumers). The words & phrases ending in "!" represent some of the elements that make these stories successful...and of course in the middle of everything is heart, an emotional connection. According to research cited by Iconoculture, emotional differentiation is the #1 loyalty driver for brands - if you're not making consumers feel something, you're not telling a successful story.

- Jane Schlech, Knowledge Manager for the SIG Group

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