Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Higher Calling for the Interwebz

While the internet and smart phones are often seen as outlets for recreation, procrastination, and distraction, could it be that they serve a purpose beyond memes and Snapchat? Geoff Lewis, Principal at Founders Fund certainly thinks so and stressed how vital the web and mobile were for solving big, meaningful, real world problems during his keynote.  

Lewis spoke about the intersection of technology and healthcare as well as the burgeoning number of apps that have moved into this space and noted, “Just developing an app is great, but it’s not enough.” His argument is based two of many things: the ease with which apps can be copied, so their staying power and reach are tough to maintain as well as the fact that an app is often an ancillary part of a project tackling a larger challenge.

 “Specifically in the healthcare space, there are a lot of tough problems—we still need breakthroughs in the field of genomics, medical records digitized, how we treat insurance,” said Lewis, “Maybe these apps could be interesting combined with an incentive program from an insurance payer.”
The impact of digital can often feel lofty and hard to quantify, making it easy to forget the magnitude of its capacity for real, substantial change. Lewis’ talk was a inspiring call to action from someone has seen so many pitches, business plans, and idea s around technology and its potential. He emphasized that it’s become less and less common to see something truly new and unique versus a copycat or a flash in the pan or something that’s simply cool, but not translating to tangible utility or impact. 

His point touches on the true power of digital and the ability for advertisers, companies, and entrepreneurs alike, to harness it, and make a significant difference in all fields—not only changing, but improving the way we live our lives.

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